The author in his dotage aged at around sixty years of age.
(I used to be much younger once upon a time!)
I served in the fire service for twenty seven years. All of them riding the Red Engines, and out of some of the busiest fire stations in the land. I also served for just under three years in a large county brigade, where I experienced the joys and frustrations of the retained side of brigade life.
During this time I amassed a wealth of tales and stories to tell, so much so they filled three complete books, almost a thousand pages.
I continue to write, and in due course my new scribbling’s will appear on this site.
I tell of humour and drama, but it would seem that I excel at the humorous side of writing, so that in some of my stories you will not be quite sure whether to laugh or to cry.
The last seventeen years of my career were spent as a rider station officer at Hammersmith fire station in west London, and many of my tales are told of this period.

To ride a red engine is back in print due to popular demand.
It is available from Amazon priced £9 99p
Just click on one of the books below for the rear cover review or download the full book for offline reading.
Central Eating
Twas The Night Before Christmas
The Bucket Gag
A Soho Basement
Laugh I Nearly Fell Of My Bike